Friday, April 20, 2012


My new favorite thing to do is go to Papago Park in Phoenix, AZ and feed the geese and ducks. Every time I went, I always forgot to bring some bread for my feathered friends. 

I finally remembered to bring the somem bread and haven't forgotten since. I have never been so close to the geese and ducks before and they even hissed at me! I didn't know they could do that!

This was the most fun I've had at the park in a long time and I think everyone at some point should stop and not only smell the flowers, but feed the ducks! But don't forget the geese if they're around, they will peck at you.

Ducklings! They were so adorable!


I've been wanting to see a car show for a long time now, so I was really lucky to have passed this event on the way to my favorite coffee shop. I had to stop and see all the cool cars!

Cars are not what they use to be, the lines, the angles and shape. Old cars were sexy, aerodynamic and badass, as well as the always bubbly Volkswagon Beetle. I'm glad I got to see this collection in person.

This car show had it all, from the antiques, hot rods, comical cars and even cars of today!