Monday, February 20, 2012

Tucson Botanical Gardens-Butterfly Exhibit

This weekend I went for a road trip with Owen McNamara to Tucson, Arizona. The Botanical Gardens was hosting a Butterfly Exhibit, something I could not miss. They had a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, all mesmerizing and stunning. We were lucky enough to stay during their after hours and hear a class on butterfly sex, which was hilarious and informative. After the class we went back into the butterfly tent and release newly emerged butterflies from their chrysalis exhibit. This was one butterfly event I will not forget and one I recommend everyone to go see! I hope you enjoy the photos I took. Warning to anyone going to the event and looking to take photos, it is very humid in there and your lens will fog up, so be patient until it clears.

Go here to find out more information on the Tucson Botanical Gardens and their upcoming events or here if you want to go to the Butterfly Exhibit before it ends on April 30th, 2012.

Click to see the full image!

That's me being a butterfly (bottom right), an ity bity wasp on Owen's fork (top right).
Moths are my favorite, they're so beautiful.
This is one of the new ones I released. (photo taken by Owen McNamara)
That's Owen's arm (bottom left), They seem to like him more because they kept landing on him.
Cover your eyes! They're doing it! (left), Leaf mimic (right)

I don't know what kind of shampoo this guy is using, but they kept landing on his head.
(Photo taken by Owen McNamara)

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