Sunday, November 27, 2011

Las Vegas-Part 1: MineCon

I went to MineCon in Las Vegas with Owen McNamara and it was one of the greatest Vegas vacations I ever had. The fun started once we entered the elevator to check in, and we immediately ran into Keith Steinbach from BebopVox who does Minecraft Mondays!! (yup thats us :D)

We went to collect our badges from the registration booth and the lines quickly started to get longer and longer, but the wait was worth it. We got some awesome goodies and couldn't wait for the doors to open to see all of the MineCon amazingness!

The whole event was full of fun people, dressed up in all the characters and just having a great time. I even met some awesome people like Paul Taylor, the man behind Frozen Synapse, and Matt Eggertson who became our adventure partners around Vegas. I'm looking forward to next year but nothing can top the fun we had for the first MineCon. It was hard to narrow down the photos I took but here are a few.


NOTCH! Thank you for all the fun!

This is just a small look at the crowd that filled the room.

That's Keith from BebopVox and me (bottom left).
Yogscast! These guys are hilarious. I'm so glad I got to see them.
We went to this amazing arcade called Insert Coin(s) on Fremont street. I had so much fun playing Assassin's Creed and losing to X-Men. Nothing beats drinks and games.
(Photo taken by Owen McNamara)
This was one of the best trips I've taken in a long time. The people, the lights, the fun! Thank you Owen (taking the photo), Paul (far right), and Matt (middle) for making it an amazing experience for me.

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